Celebrate Earth Day with Chestnut Hill Farms Pineapple

earth day

Each year on April 22 since 1970, the importance of a clean planet and birth of the first environmental movement is honored worldwide through the celebration of Earth Day. Now internationally recognized, Earth Day is an opportunity for organizations and individuals around the globe to come together in a topic most important to not only the survival of our pineapples but also our population: our planet.

The theme for this year’s Earth Day is “A Word Without Plastic Pollution.” The purpose of this theme is to encourage individuals to reduce plastic pollution by reducing, reusing and recycling every-day plastic products.

Chestnut Hill Farms is dedicated to contributing to the protection of our environment with our sustainable farming practices. Pineapple plants are regrown with organic matter in the soil, as well as bacteria and fungi that naturally increase microorganisms used to fight pesticides in the soil. These beneficial microorganisms prevent different pesticides from attacking the pineapple fruit, which allows us to produce healthy, delicious pineapple in a sustainable manner.

Throughout the year, we carefully plant pineapples in a systemized order to allow water flow to be controlled, and thus avoid erosion. We are passionate about reducing our carbon footprint by reserving natural forest and wildlife located outside of the pineapple farms. Grow with us and by enjoying Caribbean Sweet Chestnut Hill Farms pineapple, and let’s do better today, rather than wait until tomorrow.

Learn More About Our Practices.

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