Tag Archives: fall pineapples facts

Fall Pineapple FAQ

Kick Off the Fall Season with Some Pineapple Facts!

fall pineapple facts

As the fall season draws nearer, visions of hot cocoa, pumpkin spice treats and cookies of every variety begin to dance in our heads. When you think of a fall cuisine, it’s most likely that your mind immediately turns to thinking of pumpkin, squash and other Thanksgiving day staples like cranberries and mashed potatoes. However, these stereotypical fall treats can leave you feeling lethargic and weighed-down. Mix up your fall cuisine with the perfect treat to kick off the season: the perfect Chestnut Hill Farms pineapple! Not only are our pineapples juicy, delicious and available year round, they are packed with nutritional values that will help boost your immune system and keep you feeling healthy all winter long. Check out some of our favorite fall pineapple facts below!


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