Tag Archives: Pineapple Detox

Start the New Year With a Healthy Detox

Your Guide to a Pineapple Filled New Year Detox

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to start a new health routine, using juice cleanses for your detox are just one of the healthy ways pineapples can be used for to give your body the nutrients it needs. Including pineapple in your juice detoxes provides many health benefits for fighting the flu, preventing inflammation, and killing unhealthy bacteria in your body. Pineapple is full of Vitamin C, an antioxidant that defends your body from sickness and strengthens your immune system. Aside from Vitamin C, pineapples also contain manganese, an energy-producing nutrient, and Vitamin B, which helps the enzymatic reactions needed for energy production. 

Follow along for a great list of recipes to start your New Year Detox!

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