Fresh Facts About Cantaloupe

For consumers 59 and up, the time to sell cantaloupe is ripe! According to this year’s Fresh Trends, the likelihood of a cantaloupe purchase increased according to age and income (which was the same last year). The consumers most likely to buy were age 59 and older.

Cantaloupe was one of the few commodities studied that showed consumers without children at home were more likely to make a purchase than those with kids. The likelihood of purchase amongst shoppers with kids increased according to the number of children.

Married consumers were 43% more likely to buy cantaloupe than single shoppers – the group least likely to buy overall. Western shoppers were more likely to buy the orange–fleshed melon than those in other regions, as was the case last year.

Consumers prefer conventionally grown cantaloupe. In fact, the melon was the number 1 commodity that shoppers bought as conventionally grown. Ten percent of cantaloupe shoppers said they purchased organic product at least some of the time, while 3% said they always bought organic. Single shoppers and those age 23-39 were most likely to buy organic cantaloupe exclusively.

Source:  Fresh Trends 2011 –

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